Jill Deranian, Principal

I am excited and honored to be joining the WLS community as the new Principal.

I look forward to meeting you all and becoming part of this dedicated and creative team. Building relationships in hopes of empowering others to become their own personal best, is an element of my leadership style. It is clear that WLS strives to highlight the individual gifts and talents of each child. While I hope to inspire us all, it is the passion of our educators to teach all learners, our ability and want to hold each other to high social and academic standards, and our love for Jesus through our acts of kindness and care for ourselves and others.

I am thrilled to lead us into the future and am excited to experience the range of expertise and passion of the faculty. I am confident we will walk into this new school year with a renewed sense of compassion and appreciation for each other, with a true desire for lifelong learning and with our authentic commitment to our surrounding community.

With Gratitude,

Ms. Jill